ou are

at a crossroads

You seek a welcoming space to lay down your doubts, weigh your options, and let your creativity flow. Play, draw, envision, narrate your story – the one you currently live and the one you aspire to create. Allow yourself to perceive, feel, and embrace your emotions, doubts, and fears, empowering you to embark on a path that truly resonates with you.

The unique space I create offers you a fresh perspective, illuminating your dreams in a new light and encouraging you to grasp your courage with both hands as you pursue the path that ignites your inner fire.

Training, coaching, mentoring, perceptual support are different ways to nurture you on your journey.

In person, remotely, off-site, or on a retreat, you have the opportunity for yourself and/or your team to find the most suitable and secure framework to unleash your potential.

For corporate training and support, please contact me. Companies that trust me.


Public programs:

Amma Mia! (Week-end retreat in Liguria, Italy)
German or English Edition: upon request.

EquiPower, a unique program in France.
Combining the symbolism of the “Hero’s Journey” with the horse-power of our equestrian friends.
On request.
Minimum 4 participants, 1 day per month, for 5 months.

Co-Development groups avilable upon request
A format that empowers each participant or team to discover creative solutions to their inquiries through collective intelligence.

Gundula’s exceptional sharp eye and straightforward questioning style helped me see the answers that were right there in front of me, ultimately helping me to become a better coach.
Erik Kerkhofs – Microsoft

I am the master of my destiny, the captain of my soul
Invictus, William Ernest Henley